Repertoire (Auszug)

Ain't no sunshine

Bad moon rising

Born this way

Can't run from yourself

Crazy little thing called love

Every little thing



I can see clearly now

I fell in love

I'd rather go blind

I'm a believer


Knockin' on heavens door

Man! I feel like a woman

Me and Bobby McGee

Mr. Rock n' Roll



Sleepin' in my car

Son of a preacher man

Streets of London

Stüehl ewäg

Sweet child o'mine

Sweet home Chicago

Tell me why

Tulsa Time

Turn the heat up


You can leave your head on

You're my best friend

.... und weitere Songs

Natürlich kommen auch immer wieder neue Songs dazu. Wir geben alles, um jedes Jahr mindestens 4 - 8 neue Songs zu arrangieren und auch Live an unseren Gigs zu spielen.